.net, Azure

Load your work items into Azure DevOps Boards with .NET

This post is about how to write a .NET application to move workitems from another source (e.g. JIRA, Excel etc) into Azure Boards in Azure DevOps, and a Nuget package I’ve built to hopefully make it a bit easier for anyone else doing this as well.

So here’s a problem…

Let’s say you’ve convinced your boss to move your projects to Azure Devops – great! You’re happy, and your team are happy, but before you can really start, there’s still some work to be done – migration of all the historical project data from your existing company systems….

Maybe your company has its own custom story/issue/bug tracking system (maybe it’s JIRA, maybe it’s Mantis, or something else), and you don’t want to lose or archive all that valuable content. You want to load all that content in your project’s Azure Board as well – how do you do that?

Use .NET with Azure Boards to solve this problem

I had exactly this problem recently – my project’s history was exported into one big CSV file, and I needed to get it into Azure Boards. I had loads of fields which I needed to keep and I don’t want to lose all this…

…so I ‘.NET’ted  my way out of trouble.

A bit of searching on the internet also leads me to the option of bulk loading using Excel and the TFS Standalone Office Integration pack, but I’m a programmer and I prefer the flexibility of using code. Though, y’know, YMMV.

excel link

First I created a .NET Framework console application, and added a couple of NuGet packages for Azure DevOps:

Install-Package Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client
Install-Package Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client

These are both projects that target .NET Framework, so I can’t use .NET Core for this yet.

With these included in my application, I now have access to objects which allow me to connect to Azure DevOps through .NET, and also connect to a work item client that allows me to perform create/read/update/delete operations on work items in my project’s board.

It’s pretty easy to load up my project history CSV into a list in a .NET application, so I knew I had all the puzzle pieces to solve this problem, I just needed to put them together.

In order to connect to Azure DevOps and add items using .NET, I used:

  • The name of the project I want to add work items to – my project codename is “Corvette
  • The Url of my Azure DevOps instance – http://dev.azure.com/jeremylindsay
  • My personal access token.

If you’ve not generated a personal access token in Azure DevOps before, check this link out for details on how to do it – it’s really straightforward from the Azure DevOps portal:


I can now use the code below to connect to AzureDevOps and create a work item client.

var uri = new Uri("http://dev.azure.com/jeremylindsay");
var personalAccessToken = "[***my access token***]";
var projectName = "Corvette";
var credentials = new VssBasicCredential("", personalAccessToken);
var connection = new VssConnection(uri, credentials);
var workItemTrackingHttpClient = connection.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();

Next, I need to create what is basically a list of name and value pairs which describes the name of the work item field (e.g. title, description etc), and the value that I want to put in that field.

This link below describes the fields you can access through code:


It’s a little bit more complex than a normal dictionaries or other key-value pair objects in .NET but not that difficult. The work item client uses custom objects called JsonPatchDocuments and JsonPatchOperations. Also, the names of the fields are not intuitive out of the box, but given all that, I can still create a work item in .NET using the code below:

var bug = new JsonPatchDocument
    new JsonPatchOperation()
        Operation = Operation.Add,
        Path = "/fields/System.Title",
        Value = "Spelling mistake on the home page"
    new JsonPatchOperation()
        Operation = Operation.Add,
        Path = "/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps",
        Value = "Log in, look at the home page - there is a spelling mistake."
    new JsonPatchOperation()
        Operation = Operation.Add,
        Path = "/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority",
        Value = "1"
    new JsonPatchOperation()
        Operation = Operation.Add,
        Path = "/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Severity",
        Value = "2 - High"

Then I can add the bug to my Board with the code below:

workItemTrackingHttpClient.CreateWorkItemAsync(bug, ProjectName, "Bug").Result;

Now this works and is very flexible, but I think my code could be made more readable and easy to use. So I refactored the code, moved most of it into library, and uploaded it to NuGet here. My refactoring is pretty simple – I’m not going to go into lots of detail on how I did it, but if you’re interested the code is up on GitHub here.

If you’d like to get this package, you can use the command below

Install-Package AzureDevOpsBoardsCustomWorkItemObjects -pre

This package depends on the two NuGet packages I referred to earlier in this post, so they’ll be added automatically if you install my NuGet package.

This allows us to instantiate a bug object look much more like creation of a normal POCO, as shown below:

var bug = new AzureDevOpsBug
    Title = "Spelling mistake on the home page",
    ReproSteps = "Log in, look at the home page - there is a spelling mistake.",
    Priority = AzureDevOpsWorkItemPriority.Medium,
    Severity = AzureDevOpsWorkItemSeverity.Low,
    AssignedTo = "Jeremy Lindsay",
    Comment = "First comment from me",
    Activity = "Development",
    AcceptanceCriteria = "This is the acceptance criteria",
    SystemInformation = "This is the system information",
    Effort = 13,
    Tag = "Cosmetic; UI Only"

And to push this bug to my Azure Board, I can use the code below which is a little simpler than what I wrote previously.

using AzureDevOpsCustomObjects;
using AzureDevOpsCustomObjects.Enumerations;
using AzureDevOpsCustomObjects.WorkItems;
namespace ConsoleApp
    internal static class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            const string uri = "https://dev.azure.com/jeremylindsay";
            const string personalAccessToken = "[[***my personal access token***]]";
            const string projectName = "Corvette";
            var workItemCreator = new WorkItemCreator(uri, personalAccessToken, projectName);
            var bug = new AzureDevOpsBug
                Title = "Spelling mistake on the home page",
                ReproSteps = "Log in, look at the home page - there is a spelling mistake.",
                Priority = AzureDevOpsWorkItemPriority.Medium,
                Severity = AzureDevOpsWorkItemSeverity.Low,
                AssignedTo = "Jeremy Lindsay",
                Comment = "First comment from me",
                Activity = "Development",
                AcceptanceCriteria = "This is the acceptance criteria",
                SystemInformation = "This is the system information",
                Effort = 13,
                Tag = "Cosmetic; UI Only"
            var createdBug = workItemCreator.Create(bug);

I’ve chosen to instantiate the bug with hard-coded text in the example above for clarity – but obviously you can instantiate the POCO any way you like, for example from a database, or perhaps parsing data out of a CSV file.

Anyway, the image below shows the bug added to my Azure Board.


Of course, Bugs are not the only types of work item – let’s say I want to add Product Backlog Items also. And there are many, many different fields used in Azure Boards, and I haven’t coded for all of them in my NuGet package. So:

  • I’ve also added a Product Backlog object into my NuGet package,
  • I’ve made the creation method generic so it can detect the object type and work out what type of work item is being added to the Board
  • I’ve made the work item objects extensible so I users can add any fields which I haven’t coded for yet.

For example, the code below how to add a task and include a comment in the System.History field:

private static void Main(string[] args)
const string uri = "https://dev.azure.com/jeremylindsay";
const string personalAccessToken = "[[***my personal access token***]]";
const string projectName = "Corvette";
var workItemCreator = new WorkItemCreator(uri, personalAccessToken, projectName);
var productBacklogItem = new AzureDevOpsProductBacklogItem
    Title = "Add reports for how many users log in each day",
    Description = "Need a new report with log in statistics.",
    Priority = AzureDevOpsWorkItemPriority.Low,
    Severity = AzureDevOpsWorkItemSeverity.Low,
    AssignedTo = "Jeremy Lindsay",
    Activity = "Development",
    AcceptanceCriteria = "This is the acceptance criteria",
    SystemInformation = "This is the system information",
    Effort = 13,
    Tag = "Reporting; Users"
    new JsonPatchOperation
        Path = "/fields/System.History",
        Value = "Comment from product owner."
var createdBacklogItem = workItemCreator.Create(productBacklogItem);

Obviously I can change the code to allow addition of comments through a property in the AzureDevOpsProductBacklogItem POCO, but this is just an example to demonstrate how it can be done by adding a JsonPatchOperation.

The image below shows the product backlog item successfully added to my Azure Board.


Wrapping up

The Boards component of Azure DevOps is a useful and effective way to track your teams work items. And if you want to populate a new Board with a list of existing bugs or backlog items, you can do this with .NET. I guess a lot of these functions aren’t new, and they were available in VSTS, and it’s still nice to see these powerful functions and libraries continue to be supported. And hopefully the NuGet package I’ve created to assist in the process will be useful to some of you who are working through the same migration challenges that I am. Obviously this NuGet package can still be improved a lot – it just covers Backlog Items and Bugs right now, and it’d be better if it flagged those fields that are read only – but it’s good enough to meet minimum viable standards for me right now, and maybe it’ll be helpful for you too.

About me: I regularly post about Microsoft technologies like Azure and .NET – if you’re interested, please follow me on Twitter, or have a look at my previous posts here. Thanks!

5 thoughts on “Load your work items into Azure DevOps Boards with .NET

  1. Hi Jeremy,
    Thanks for the POST. But still can you help me out with one problem because I’m strucked for quite a while now.
    I would like to create workItems programatically using WorkItemTrackingHttpClient and JsonPatchDocument but instead of using PAT token, I want to do it the users logged in credentials so that the workItem is created by his/her name.
    I’ve a GUI web app in which the user will login using his/her account say sameul@microsoft.com and will create workitem. But if I’ll use my PAT token at the backend, then in the created by field, it will show my name even though I’ll try to override it using Path = “/fields/System.CreatedBy”,
    Value = “sameul@microsoft.com”.
    Can you please guide me on how to do this. Also I’m a little bit newbie to this programming world so a little bit detail would be of great help.
    I would be very grateful for your help.

  2. Hi Tejas – I haven’t needed to try this yet, so I’m not sure I can help. But when you log in using the Azure DevOps credentials in the VssBasicCredential object instead of the PAT, does the System.CreatedBy field populate correctly?

    1. Thanks for your response Jeremy.
      The problem with VssBasicCredential object was we’ve to pass username and passwords as parameters which isn’t a feasible solution if the web app is used by others.
      But now, I’m using VssAadCredential object which uses Aad authentication.
      eg. VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(uri, new VssAadCredential());
      Hence this line of code is authenticating the WorkItemTrackingHttpClient and allowing to create workitems with the respective signed in users as System.CreatedBy field.
      I’ll do more research on how exactly this works, but this done the job as of now : )

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